Alarm systems
How long would you go without being able to drag yourself to a phone?
Monitored alarm systems that are on your person are really expensive and inconvenient, but would I use one? Maybe.
If I was in the garden, or if I'd crashed the car in a ditch - yup. But likely I'd have a phone with me, but likely it'd be in a black spot . So only maybe. You may be able to get it funded from the local District Health Board, but check with your doctor, they would have to apply for it, and you will have to ask them for it, as well as a disability thing for your car, that you can no longer drive. Yes, it's complicated, and yes you may be able to cash in your insurance or your retirement fund or your Kiwi Saver on the basis of poverty. It all sucks chunks.
Monitors are really expensive and I lost my income.
So if it's that important to you - you suggest it and then you get to pay for it.
Personal alarm systems, do not tend to work out side of your normal home, they don't have GPS systems activated, so ask questions if you intend to travel from your home.