As of October 17th Under Offer
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Offers welcome

semper fidelis (Always faithful )

217 Greers Road. A house that's big and spacious, and at the right price! - check out the Site plan - then call to view. Home office or extended family flat.

An interesting 210 mtr sq approx Cedar house, rimu floors with carpeted bedrooms November 2007, near new kitchens, 6 entrances.

The cedar house has faired brilliantly through the speight of earthquakes and is welcoming you for an inspection.

In Burnside we are well above sealevel, and firmly planted on top of an estimated 10 - 50 metres of river metal (same stuff you'd plant a high rise on if you could afford it). No silt issues, no broken sewerage, just an ordinary surburban neighbourhood. Spring fed waters somwehere in the west.

Investors want to make the office and media room into another couple of bedrooms - you decide. There is plenty of space - Single long garage with workshop space and carport as well as turing area for off street parking.

(April 2010) Council rated at 110 instead of around 210 square metre dwelling. I built on to the house but the rates didn't go up, the rates are paid quarterly and are nice and low.

Value of house prices in the Burnside zone.


local colour

semper paratus (Always ready)

  1. My house for sale
  2. Photos
  3. Video of the house (small file)
  4. Video of the house (large file)
  5. Opens with Real Player (download)
  6. LIM (PDF - Council documents)
  7. Ch Liquefaction map [PDF]
  8. Currency
  9. Compare house prices
  10. Burnside High Zone Map
  11. Schools .73 kms
  12. Burnside Primary School
  13. Burnside High School
  14. Schools
  15. Restaurants/Cafes
  16. Universities
  17. Weather
  18. Airport
  19. Buses
  20. Corporate Jobs Board
  21. Make contact with me

For investors it's close to the university, with plenty of flat mates - it's a safe investment for your future.

Mature fruit trees in the back yard. Your call, ring me evenings 0064 3 360 2444 or
work 0064 3 348 7059

Am interested in trade for land outside city but within driving distance (40 minutes). I have plans to build. Naturally will sell for cash.

Since Christchurch is prone to the occasional earthquake you may wish to take a good long look at the Christchurch Liquefaction map and purchase a house that is in the white zone, Burnside zone.


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