As of October 17th Under Offer
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houses for sale

semper fidelis (Always faithful )

Burnside High School is the largest, best, most diverse place of challenge we offer locally for our enterprising students 217 Greers Road is .73 kms from this school - we are in the zone.

A wise man once said to me - they will learn or they won't. What utter crap.

If you can get your kid into a school that will strengthen their work ethic, teach them how to study, discipline their mind and broaden their scope - it's your job to research and find the best method of delivering their education, as you can afford.

Burnside is virtually free to the Burnside zone. Yes there are some fees (1mb pdf) . They have an international school which is not so cheap, but offer students public diversity and equality.

Take a look around at the first realestate home on this site.



local colour

semper paratus (Always ready)

  1. Burnside enrolment zone
  2. Buses
  3. Schools
  4. Primary Schools 1.26km
  5. Cobham Intermediate 1.20km
  6. Burnside High .73 km
  7. Universities 2.5km
  8. Aprox closing dates:
    Friday 29 July 2011 Closing date for all Year 9 applications.
    Tuesday 2 August 2011 Ballot for Year 9 out-of-zone applicants.
    Friday 5 August 2011 Letters of acceptance/decline sent.
    Friday 19 August 2011 Last date for reply from parents to be returned.

Burnside has enrolment packs and dates for out of the zone kids, but if you are here, they will accept you and welcome you. Ring them to assure yourself this is the case, I phoned them last week and this was the case. The end.

Their contact details:
Phone +64 3 358 8383
Fax +64 3 358 8380

Physical Address:

Burnside High School
Greers Road
Christchurch 8053

You can measure the distance from my house to any of these locations, use Google Earth.


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