As of October 17th Under Offer
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veni vidi vici
(I came, I saw, I conquered)

On the right I have listed some links to information you will need to get work in Christchurch.

Burnside is located in the north western part of town. Which to you foreigners means ten minutes by car will get you to town, to the universities, to the airport, to schools, and to motorways south, west and north.

We have international conference centres, restaurants and cafes, we have takeaways but no fast food chains in our area.

We have lifestyle, peace and harmony - yes we have a dawn chorus of birds and in the evening you can see the stars.

If you head east with in 30 minutes you'll be at the beach from my house.

40 minutes west will see you approaching the mountains, head north and it gets warmer. We can not boast bountiful tropics, we can not claim barmy sweaty weather, and with that the plants aren't lush and nuclear. It's just green simple and we like it.

So if wintres not for you, do what we do and escape for a month to Bali. In NZ you get a nice mandatory 4 weeks annual leave, some companies offer more. The worst is -4 over night which is a fair frost but we all do tend to survive - just put more clothes on and get over it. Personally of course my house is a steady 20 degrees - what's a bit of firewood and some electricity between friends.

Negotiate your terms, every Friday off and a 4 day week? Some of the lucky ones swing it - it means intodays economy the employer only pays a 4 day week. Buy my house...



local careers section

ut sementem feceris ita metes
(As you sow so will you reap

Please give me feed back if one of the links is broken, of if you have a suggestion.


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