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Give this a try:
"This actually works. It's so damn simple..."

Cigarette smoking is not a gamble; all regular cigarette smokers studied at autopsy show the effects.
My brain is a machine, lets see how simple it is to reprogram it. That is the entire reprogramming ground work - tick - done.

  1. READ this to your self every morning. Just make this your start up screen. I tell you it's that easy.
  2. It is easy, its just a bad habit, I am more intelligent than this smoking obsession, it costs and smells like a wet ashtray to other people, I am paying good money to smell like a wet ashtray. Go figure, I didn't think this would be part of my life when I was 6, by the way I still want the jet pack!
  3. I can replace bad habits with good habits.
  4. This will not kill me, if stupid people stop smoking; ALL the time, so can I.
  5. I will not put poisons that cost me money into my body.
  6. I did make a conscious choice to take my first cigarette,
    but I never decided to become an addict, I did not say yes to paying $1500k a year to put poisons into my blood. What the Fr*%^ck am I doing it for?
  7. Conscious decision - I won't continue smoking.
  8. I won't buy another packet.
  9. I will not pay for 89% more toxins than I need.
  10. I will no longer be lulled by the soothing sensation of inhaling 19 different poisons which are exposing my blood to 89% higher doses of air pollution than non smokers.
  11. The importance of Younger Adults - that's a link to the marketing campaign of a tobacco company - part of the tobacco advertising strategy - this will make you understand you've been financially tapped, that the tobacco companies are in the business of peddling nicotine!
    SCORE: "Not a day Week day goes by, that I dont want one"
    So far Karen 1 -
    tobacco company 0,

    difficulty 197, insurmountable cravings 3

    (TOUGH tough game though)
    Day 197 (27 June 2009)

And then: I quit for 8 months but fell off and have now quit since the 11th September 2009 but fell off again...

Time to review your personal options for the new year?

During our busy holiday rush — whilst we continue to indulge in our many whims — we often think about self-improvements and new resolutions that we try to abide by.
1 Healthier eating - shudder
2 Exercise - I must perform this regularly
3 Smoking - I must quit
4 Work out your life expectancy (My virtual age is 22.6 and I am expected to live until I am 92.4 - shit better start saving)!

There are some good ways and some obvious pitfalls to kicking these learned habits.

First we must recognise all of the above are an addiction, yes - salty fatty foods, chocolates, remaining on the couch and smoking.
These are all addictive behaviour sets. Well that's the first excuse.

Naturally whilst I am writing this I am not at the gym. Yet Another Rationalisation. Be free from the bad habits of addictive behaviours - you will find utter elation at your own success!

When your taking a break and not at work, try and see if these methods work for youOne of the hardest things to understand is we must simply kill the habit that surrounds our addictions.

Remove the reminders, and the signals will be changed.

Think out loud of the changes that you will achieve by focusing on results.

Slimmer, healthier you. Simple. Watch the Matrix, one human can power so much electricity, surely changing a habit is within our grasp.

Well lets see if I can practice what I type!
10th December 2008 - now seems like a good time to start.

Overcoming Addiction:
Paths toward recovery... (Info from the FDA, Utube and Harvard)

"The U.S. Supreme Court has given a green light to smokers to sue tobacco companies over the fraudulent marketing of "light," "ultralight" and "low tar" cigarettes." Source:
Bloomberg.com, December 15, 2008
More articles like this: http://www.prwatch.org/

I will breath into my diaphragm and let the oxygenation process work, hold it for 30 counts, release slowly and repeat every time I walk up stairs. I know this will decrease my stomach flab. I know that being stressed releases hormones in my stomach and oxygen fixes them up, I understand this will improve my circulation. I conclude I will think clearly - and yet I forget to do it. How lame is this. Watch this clip. All of it, 5 minutes worth. You have five minutes. This bookmarked on my computer plays every single time I open up firefox - it's brilliantly simple. Bookmark it for yourself.

The hallmarks of addiction are the “3 C’s”:
- Craving for the object of addiction, which can be mild to intense,
- loss of Control over the use of the object of addiction,
- Continued engagement with the object of addiction despite adverse consequences.
"The possibility of one of these C's turning us into cancer patients is high".

"Smokers take in approx 89% more pollutants than non smokers - it's not a gamble it's a way for governments to not pay out support for the elderly". Now lets remember that Cancer is a delinquent cell not doing it's job, we sit on the edge of delinquency by not eating the right things, not exercising the right way and of course smoking we know - yet turn a blind eye.

4 ways to quit bad habits - bad food, little exercise, smoking.
Here is the key: LIE to yourself. This will assist you to reset the brain if you say it often enough.

For instance: (day one hour one as you reach for a cigarette) When you want a cigarette say:
"I don't smoke any more."

"It's been 21 days, and 6 hours - I have proven it's mind over matter ". Still reading - Great your not an idiot.

When you next think about doing the thing that is bad for you - add on how ever many hours it's been since you last tricked yourself and say it: "It's been 9 days 6 hours and twelve minutes... I don't smoke anymore " You are diverting the brain into creating a mathematical calculation and substantiating the facts - making the lie represent the truth as it has been how ever many minutes. This actually works. It's so damn simple.

If that doesn't work - remember millions of idiots have quit, with your brain power do you really think you ought to give in so easily. Your better than that!

Within days, your blood vessels will regain much of the normal function that is damaged by smoking. Within weeks, you’ll be able to taste food better, and your sense of smell will recover from tobacco’s assault. Within months, symptoms of chronic bronchitis ease up, and lung function improves within a year. Quitting reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke within two to five years. And the risk of lung cancer begins to drop substantially within five to nine years of quitting.

Strategy 1: DIY

  • Smoking stinks - air your house, your about to feel a whole lot better BUT also with all things come withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, hunger, anxiety.
  • Smoking makes us anxious for another, it's there fore not relaxing at all.
  • Smoking decreases concentration by diverting your attention to it's self - counterproductive!
  • Smoking relieves boredom - get up and get to a gym, walk to the corner, put on some music!
  • lie to yourself and get rid of smoking friends for the duration. We actually all want to quit.
  • Surround yourself with people who are like minded.
  • Don't go to parties where you know you will smoke.
  • Only meet with friends if they don't smoke whilst you visit - friends will be willing to help you.
  • Get your friends on board.
  • Pick a quitting date and stick to it.
  • Throw away triggers like ashtrays, don't hide them take them for a ride in the car and put them in the rubbish bin at the shops.

The discomfort usually peaks one to three weeks after you quit, and then it gradually diminishes. This will see you back at work and ready to tackle your bad habit colleagues. To get through the rough patches, stock up on low-calorie snacks and sugarless gum or bottled water to keep your mouth busy. Plan enjoyable diversions to keep your mind busy.

  • Begin an exercise program. It will relieve your tension, promote good sleeping patterns whilst your body rejiggs it 'self, and help control weight gain.
  • Walking for 30 minutes a day can really help.

Stay away from secondhand smoke. It's enticing, you will feel all the emotions of your addiction.
Don’t even think about smoking “just one” — even a single puff will set you back.
Think positively — you can quit.

Take it one day at a time.
And if you slip, try, try again — either on your own or with one or more of the other strategies for quitting. However once you understand you've been conned, it really is simple to say no - you will be no longer a smoker. Every time you want one - think of the con you have been exposed to and you can happily and angrilly understand the hype for what it is - bullshit. You were a subject of a marketing con job - a legally approved and administered addictive substance.

Strategy 2: Behavioural support

Quitting may be hard, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Try working out the costs in financial terms and get a blow up poster of the holiday you will be able to afford instead of the bad habits.
Here is a smoking calculator: http://www.quit.org.nz/page/quittingSmoking/quitCalculator.php

Many employers, health plans, and hospitals offer individual or group counseling. Your doctor can refer you to a program in your area. Telephone support can also help; you can try it for yourself by calling the www.quit.co.nz at 0800 778 778. Hypnosis is another alternative that has helped some smokers break free. For advice: 0800 778 778

Strategy 3: Nicotine-replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement is safe. You'll prolong the cravings and this is ideal for people with low self esteem, a lack of moral courage and an inability to think of a strategy and stick with it. I prefer cold turkey myself, actually smoked turkey is wonderful. Remember - many stupid people have managed this cold turkey because they had to, they were dieing already. You are not at that point - and your brain has the reasoning power, the willpower and the mental ability to see this ridiculous addictive substance for what it is - hype for money.

Strategy 4: Prescription drugs

Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) was initially approved to treat depression and was then approved for smoking cessation. It does not contain nicotine and can be used in combination with nicotine-replacement therapy. I believe going on a drug that is addictive is an excellent idea if your stupid.

You will gain an edge over those going cold turkey - but you will be building a mental defence for when you slip and have a cigarette at a party - are you not more intelligent than this - do you need another crux?

You have around a 14% advantage over people with actuall will power. And if you don't get addicted to the substitute - bloody good on you - youv'e achieved your goal.

Typically, quitters start taking bupropion one to two weeks before their quit date. The usual dose is 150 mg once a day for the first three days, then 150 mg twice a day for 8 to 12 weeks, or longer if needed. Bupropion can reduce weight gain after quitting. Possible side effects may include dry mouth and insomnia; seizures are very rare.
Varenicline (Chantix) is the newest drug approved for smoking cessation; although experience is still limited, it also promises to be the most effective. It blocks nicotine receptors in the brain while also partially stimulating these receptors to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The usual dose is 0.5 mg once a day for the first three days, then 0.5 mg twice a day for four days, followed by the full dose of 1 mg twice a day for 12 weeks or longer. The dose should be lowered in patients with severe kidney disease. Nausea is common, and bad dreams may occur. Mood disturbances and behavioral problems have developed, particularly in smokers with psychiatric problems, but it’s not clear that these are caused by the medication. Reports of accidents and visual abnormalities are also being investigated by the FDA.
More research is needed.

For more information on treating addiction, order our Special Health Report, Overcoming Addiction: Paths toward recovery at www.health.harvard.edu/ADD.

Overcoming Addiction: Paths toward recovery
Here's an Excerpt from this Addictions Special Health Report

The well-established “stages of change” model for addressing problematic health behaviors is widely applied in addiction treatment programs. According to this model, behavior change rarely occurs in a blinding flash. Instead, people are more likely to journey through several phases before attaining their goal.

Precontemplation. There is no thought of changing either now or later because the individual does not recognize a problem with addiction. The inability to recognize a problematic relationship with the object of addiction (referred to as denial) prevents the person from developing a desire to change his or her addictive behaviors. “I’m not gambling too much. I set that money aside for gambling, so it’s OK that I lost it all.”

Contemplation. A person recognizes a problem but is ambivalent about change. “I never drink and drive anymore, and the rest of it isn’t a big deal…so why give it up? Everyone parties, some people drink way more than I do, and they’re fine. Anyway, I can’t even imagine going to a game and drinking soda instead of beer. Boring!”

Preparation. The person has accepted the idea of making a behavior change and begins looking for ways to accomplish it. For people who abuse drugs, this may involve attempts to reduce the amount they use. “After I fell asleep during my granddaughter’s recital, I decided I probably should cut back when I’m out. Now I’m down to four pills a day.”

Action. This constitutes taking a definitive step. An example would be entering into a peer support group for overcoming addiction. “If I’m late to work another day I’m going to lose my job. No more smoking pot in the morning!”

Maintenance. Breath through any weak moments - Temptation to return to old habits is inherent in any type of behavior change.

Acknowledging that lapses might occur and developing strategies ahead of time to get back on track is a key element in the behavior change cycle. “I was doing so well with not drinking—then the holidays wrecked me. The hangovers, the lost days, my partner yelling at me worse than ever. Thank God my friends in AA got me back to the meetings! I just picked up my 30-day chip.”

To facilitate the change process, clinicians often use an approach known as motivational interviewing. This approach encourages people to explore their feelings about their addiction and to take a hard look at the discrepancies between their behaviors and their goals. Although this treatment adjunct is designed to avoid shame and blame, the client is continually directed to take responsibility for his or her actions and choices.
For more information you can continue reading after purchasing the report $18US

Don't over think this - just remember it won't kill you to give up, and if it does - you were stuffed from the beginning. Millions of stupid people have done this - get over yourself and get on with your life.

I personally am on day 197 - a ways to go... I still love the smell and have had 3 individual tiny cigarettes - round about 1 every other month almost - and only one - and yup it was lovely!

Started 10th December. Don't forget the fitness!
Page last updated: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:08 PM


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