Click Agreement
To use this site you understand the acceptance of our terms and conditions. These are available to download in the form of the Credit application - our Trading conditions as well as our general click agreement on this page.
The Credit Application Form explains our requirements from you, using us to provide services of any nature, on a monthly basis, without any repeat billing, no auto billing, no direct payment debits unless you willingly enter into a personal agreement for long term services, or products or marketing materials and general payment issues. Please request a form, and we will email it to you. Long term services are happily entered into, just a personal guarantor will be required from you, and all consumables or additional costs will be negotiated before being invoiced in all cases. Any additional services will be agreed to in advance of billing. No discussion, no extras. Simple. My word is my bond.
By clicking from page to page, or ordering online and clicking into our ordering system we rightfully deem you understand and agree with our terms and conditions set out below - please read them and understand them and then continue clicking through out the online information at your leisure. If you can not access this page, please contact us and we will email or post it to you.
1.1 The viewer at this time will be here after referred to as our client, the client acknowledges acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below by clicking the links in acknowledgment through out this site.
1.2 The client may order services or advertising by text or phone or e-mail correspondence and such order shall be treated as binding acceptance of a contract to acquire Karen Wisse Trading As services.
2.1 The client shall understand the website pricing is active and can be prone to human error, it excludes GST and Freight and this will be quoted for on request before delivery as per request - other wise the client agrees to pay Karen Wisse t/a listed prices as quoted and agreed, within 5 days of receiving tax invoice if on account, or prior to the goods being created if not on account, goods are generally delivered no later than 25 workings days after the order is received depending on the nature of the order.
The normal price of $62 NZ can be negotiated for long term customers. All prices shall be understood and agreed prior to work commencing, tax, freight, handling etc are additional and are logically priced. Please make contact with us if the problem is regarding a price - if a price appears to be in error - it well may be - make contact with us. Consumables and travel are additional, and negotiated prior to billing.
2.2 Payments are to be made payable to Karen Wisse T/a . See/Request a Credit Application Form please. Terms can be negotiated if you wish to pay over a longer period than one month for website work, one week for offline work. Website work is ongoing, such as content, hosting etc. Offline work can discontinue at any time. |
2.3 In the event of non payment all website activity will be withdrawn after a suitable time frame for negotiation, shall follow through with the right to charge penalty interest at a rate of 5% above the Bank of New Zealand overdraft rate of the month. Further costs to any bad debts will be payable by the client, including court costs, and all other possible costs - be they positive marketing campaigns or travel bills. All non paying customers will have the opportunity to mediation, with all information being held live in the public's eye.
2.4 In the event of non payment for non website services, if payment is not received in time; and you haven't made contact with an issue, debt collection costs and 21% accruable penalty interest will be added to the following week, and subsequent months until the invoices are paid, a statement will be issued as debt collection costs and or court costs are being proceeded with, these will also be billed if payment isn't received within the terms of trade. The client shall also be responsible for any debt collection charges and legal fees incurred by in recovering any monies outstanding from the Client. All terms are clearly stated on each invoice. Please contact Karen with any negotiations before the invoice is due.
2.5 In the event of non payment reserves the right to immediately cancel any advertising banner or other service provided under these terms and conditions, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies.
2.6 All prices listed are subject to change. |
2.7 The client acknowledges that shall be under no obligation to place any advertisements, classifieds or other publication of information if the client cancels payment or withdraws from a campaign.
3.1 All advertising, or any contracts for driving, events or link placement shall be placed for a minimum of a 1 Singular (one) month contract unless otherwise agreed. No additional charges other than consumables or travel/milage shall be carried over to any other month unless expressly agreed to in writing. |
3.2 A minimum of one months notice must be given to terminate any Contract of any nature, regardless of Advertising - Reseller or Preferred Supplier contract for order placements and a minimum of 26 days notice for branding. In the event that less than this notice respectively is given, no refund will be made for the balance of the advertising contracts. Access your risk management wisely and check all resources are in play before a promotion begins. Once an assignment starts - payment will be due regardless if the service, or goods shipment is in transit, or cancelled within the same month.
Disclaimer - Links, sources and due diligence are the basis of this website. However so is common sense. Please contact us if you feel there is an error that you/I can correct.
4.1 No guarantee is given by in respect of the accuracy of any prices or information.
While will use its best endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the figures, prices and information and to provide regular updates in respect of such prices and information, the client acknowledges that is reliant on the suppliers and members to supply accurate information and prices, and further acknowledges that the prices may be subject to change without notice being given to
4.2 All liability for any inaccuracy in the figures, prices or descriptions is hereby expressly excluded.
Governing Law |
5.1 These terms and conditions are governed by the law of New Zealand and the parties agree to submit the jurisdiction of the Auckland High Court.
Intellectual Property Rights are reserved to's Karen Wisse
Property |
6.1 The client acknowledges that all intellectual property contained in this website including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the copyright in the compilation of the information, graphic design, layout, and any associated computer programme; trade marks; know how; and clients, is the intellectual property of and agrees and undertakes not to re-produce, copy or use for their own purposes any such intellectual property other written consent of owner: Miss Karen Wisse.
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 |
7.1 If the client is a business then the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are hereby excluded pursuant to Section 43 of that Act.
Indemnity |
8.1 Any viewer, member or client requesting services or supplying information to for the purposes of accommodation, advertising, driving or otherwise, shall indemnify and hold harmless Karen Wisse and from any actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs or fines caused by any inaccuracy or otherwise with such information.